Zero emission vehicle programs
Get thousands of dollars to buy a zero emission vehicle (ZEV)
Skip the pump and clean the air with an electric or plug-in hybrid car.
Home energy programs
Renters and homeowners can get thousands of dollars for energy upgrades
Get energy discounts, efficient appliance rebates, and help installing solar. You can save money on your energy bills and make it easier to reach a sustainably-powered California.
Water-saving programs
Save water and fight long-term drought
Find tips everyone can use to save water and lower your bills. Homeowners can get tax-free grants to replace turf.

More ways you can fight climate change
The Climate Action Counts campaign is uniting one million Californians to take everyday climate actions for collective impact. Take the pledge and join this growing community making a difference together.
Top programs for Californians
Looking for a place to start? Here are a few of the dozens of programs that may be able to help you.
Clean Cars 4 All
What you get
Up to $12,000 for buying a zero emission vehicle
Who it’s for
Californians in certain areas
Your benefit
No more stops at the gas station
How it fights climate change
Reduces CO2 emissions
Energy Savings Assistance
What you get
Free home upgrades to be more energy-efficient
Who it’s for
Renters and homeowners
Your benefit
Lower energy bills
How it fights climate change
Reduces California’s energy needs
Turf replacement rebate
What you get
Tax-free money from your water agency to replace turf with water-friendly landscaping
Who it’s for
Your benefit
Lower water bills
How it fights climate change
Reduces use of water to help California fight long-term drought
There are dozens of programs throughout California thanks to historic state investments in fighting climate change. Find out which ones you qualify for.
California climate action statistics
693 million
Gallons of water saved from California’s Turf Replacement Rebate Program from 2015 – 2020
$200 billion
In public health savings
85% less
Greenhouse gasses by 2045
California measures our progress towards our climate goals in many ways. Find out how we’re doing at the California Climate Dashboard.